K. Sechidis, E. Spyromitros-Xioufis, I. Vlahavas, Multi-target feature selection through output space clustering, ESANN 2019

Author(s): E. Spyromitros-Xioufis, K.Sechidis, I.Vlahavas



Abstract: A key challenge in information theoretic feature selection is to estimate mutual information expressions that capture three desirable terms: the relevancy of a feature with the output, the redundancy and the complementarity between groups of features. The challenge becomes more pronounced in multi-target problems, where the output space is multi-dimensional. Our work presents a generic algorithm that captures these three desirable terms and is suitable for the well-known multi-target prediction settings of multi-label/dimensional classi cation and multivariate regression. We achieve this by combining two ideas: deriving low-order information theoretic approximations for the input space and using clustering for deriving low-dimensional approximations of the output space.