N. Bassiliades, “EvdoGraph: A Knowledge Graph for the EVDOXUS Textbook Management Service for Greek Universities”, Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Volume 2: KEOD, 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2023), 13-15 Nov 2023, Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-989-758-671-2, ISSN 2184-3228, pages 17-28, 2023.

Abstract: Evdoxus is a web information system for the management of the total ecosystem for the free provision of textbooks to the undergraduate students at the Greek Universities. Among its users are book publishers that register textbooks, faculty members that search for appropriate textbooks for their courses, administration of university departments that register the relevant textbooks for each module of the curricula (course), and finally, students that select one book per module that they attend. All the above information (except for which students selected which books) is freely available at the Evdoxus site in the form of HTML web pages. In this paper, we present how we extracted this information and converted it into an open Knowledge Graph in RDF that can be used to generate several interesting reports and answer statistical analysis questions in SPARQL. The KG is backed by a simple ontology which is aligned with some well-known ontologies. The extraction / con-version application has been developed using SWI-Prolog’s XPath and Semantic Web libraries. The KG en-compasses the Linked Open Data initiative by linking University instances with their corresponding DBpedia entries, employing the Wikipedia search engine and the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint.

See Also: EvdoGraph GitHub project