Our paper with title “Algorithms for Electric Vehicle Scheduling in Large-Scale Mobility-on-Demand Schemes” has been accepted for...
Dr. Tsoumakas became a senior member of the ACM
...Our paper with title “PaaSport Semantic Model: An Ontology for a Platform-as-a-Service Semantically Interoperable Marketplace” has been...
Our paper entitled “Large-scale online semantic indexing of biomedical articles via an ensemble of multi-label classification models”...
We welcome applications for PhD students on the following 4 open positions: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Prof....
Dr. Bassiliades has given an invited tutorial talk on “Semantic Technologies for the Web of Linked Data”...
Our paper entitled “Random k-Labelsets: An Ensemble Method for Multilabel Classification” received the ECML PKDD 2017 test...
Professor I. Vlahavas became a Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence.
...Ioannis Kavakiotis completed his PhD studies with a successful defense of his PhD Thesis on “Knowledge Discovery...
Our group achieved top places in the BioASQ challenge on biomedical semantic indexing and question answering. Check...