Georgios Liapis

Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54124 Thessaloniki – Greece

Tel: +30 2310 998402

Full CV

Short CV

Ι received my diploma in Applied Informatics (2019) from the Department of Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki Greece(UOM). From the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)  I received my master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence (2021). Since 2021, I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Informatics, AUTh, under the supervision of Prof. Ioannis Vlahavas. My research interests are Deep Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, and ΑΙ in games. Moreover, I have rich work experience as a web, game, and software developer with numerous projects and start-ups.

Received full scholarship from Sony AI for the AI and Games Summer School 2022 and took part in the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School 2023.


G. Liapis, A, Vordou, and I. Vlahavas. 2024. Machine Learning Methods for Emulating Personality Traits in a Gamified Environment. In 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2024), September 11–13, 2024, Piraeus, Greece. ACM, New York,

G.Liapis, K. Rrasa, M. Roditis, K.Klimantakis, I. Vlahavas, Serious Game for ADHD Diagnosis, Conference: 17th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies, Budapest, July 2024

G. Liapis,K. Zacharia, K. Rrasa, I. Vlahavas, “Serious Escape Room Game for Personality Assessment”, 12th Games and Learning Alliance Conference, November 2023

G. Liapis, L. Stefanou, I. Vlahavas, “Classifying Intelligence Tests Patterns Using Machine Learning Methods”, 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, February 2023

G. Liapis, K. Zacharia, K. Rrasa, A. Liapi, I. Vlahavas, “Modelling Core Personality Traits Behaviours in a Gamified Escape Room Environment”, 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning, September 2022

G. Liapis, Lazaridis A., Vlahavas I., “Escape Room Experience for Team Building Through Gamification Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”, 15th European Conference on Game Based Learning, September 2021


G. Liapis, & I. Vlahavas,  (2024). Multi-Agent System for Emulating Personality Traits Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Applied Sciences, 14(24), 12068.

G. Liapis, I. Vlahavas, Smart NPCs with Personality in a Serious Game Using Machine Learning, Acta Ludologica, 7(2):4-25

N. Takas, E. Kouloumpris, K. Moutsianas, G.  Liapis,  I. Vlahavas, & D. Kousenidis,  (2024). Startup Sustainability Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence. Applied Sciences14(19), 8925.