School of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54124 Thessaloniki – Greece
Tel: +30 2310 998402
Short CV
I was born in Thessaloniki and following my passion for programming, I attended the School of Informatics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) where I graduated from in 2018 with a GPA of 8.43. I worked abroad for a short 2.5 years in an agile team in France where we were developing the system that creates the offers you receive when searching for a hotel, as well as booking/cancelling. Now I’m a PhD student in the field of Machine Learning and Timeseries Forecasting and member of the Intelligence Systems Lab. During the first two years, I simultaneously completed my MSc in Machine Learning, in the same university. My interests include all things machine learning, however since I can’t study everything I chose Timeseries Forecasting which finds applications in multiple fields. Currently, I’m designing architectures that can forecast the electricity demand and the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources, both of which are necessary in the new Electricity Market Exchange. I am also conducting research in the retail sector to forecast retail sales for large multi-store supermarket chains.
- Pierros I., Vlahavas I., “Architecture-Agnostic Time-Step Boosting: A Case Study in Short-Term Load Forecasting”, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2022. ICANN 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13531. Springer, Cham.
- Pierros I., Kouloumpris E., Zaikis D., Vlahavas I. “Retail Demand Forecasting for 1 Million Products”, in Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2022), On the World Wide Web, 12-14 Dec 2022. [accepted]