Zoi Kelepiri, Athanasios Lentzas, and Dimitrios Vrakas. 2023. Intelligent Emergency Evacuation Systems for Buildings. In Proceedings of the 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 52–57. https://doi.org/10.1145/3575879.3575966

Author(s): Zoi Kelepiri, Athanasios Lentzas, Dimitris Vrakas


Keywords: emergency evacuation, graphs, intelligent evacuation, optimal path, dijkstra


Abstract: The purpose of the present work is the planning of evacuation of a building in emergency conditions, the simulation of the building and the finding of the shortest path to the safest exit. The algorithm for finding and customizing the path is written in Java. The path planning algorithm used here is Dijkstra. Respectively, the evacuation building simulation is written in JavaScript with the help of Html and CSS, which is displayed in a dynamic html web page. In the building simulation the user can add all the information about the structure of the building, which are stored in an xml file. The xml file is used to find the shortest path using java. After such an adjustment the new chosen path has the lowest possible cost to the goal.